In my 502 presentations, I mentioned that I will study concept design in Magicleader Conceptdesign for 3months. The works I submitted were pretty weak and rubbish but I am very pleased that they were good enough to make me got in the basic class. I have learn a lot from this course, we work and study for 8 hours every Monday to Saturday. It was very stressful for me, especially when people around me were very strong and skilled, I couldn't help to compare their works and my poor week drawings. I think it also helped me in a lot of ways. In the future, I will probably work in an environment like this, when I felt I am the bottom one and can get kick out of the job any time. But then I realised I only need to compare to myself, seeing me doing better each day makes me happy. The other people are all nice and friendly we all just some artists looking for a way to improve and do better. I am grateful that I can have this opportunity to talk to the professionals, to the people who work in the creative industry, to people who will be in this industry.
My drawing and practice
My Notes